Tractor Snacks is here for inspiration, ideas and recipe sharing for meals on farm. What began as a farmer’s off-hand shopping list entry looking for packaged treats has grown into a passion project from a humble farm kitchen.
I’m Camilla. Rural social worker, mum, wife of a farmer and lover of rural communities. And of course a keen cook!
We’re based at Collie in central west NSW, cropping mainly wheat, barley, chickpeas and faba beans (depending on the season). We’ve had our fair share of adversity through droughts, fires, floods, and mouse plagues (yes, plural). But one constant through it all is a love of food and the way it brings people together.
Tractor Snacks is more than a bunch of random recipes though. It’s about providing healthy and varied meals to busy workers to keep them going through the long hours, and having something to celebrate when the job is done.
We all know it is often impossible to have a decent break, get enough sleep or take a day off during busy times on farm which can compromise our wellbeing.
A healthy diet is one aspect which can be influenced. A nutritious, varied and interesting diet can assist our bodies with effective concentration, problem solving, stress management, conflict resolution and safe physical exertion.
It isn’t about running a gourmet restaurant to a lunchbox. It’s about heart-warming, belly-filling, nutritious comfort food to get us through the busy times, delicious and simple meals for the days we can spend at home, and handful of treats for special occasions!
Because we can do more than just sandwiches!